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FSSAI Central License Consultants in Kanakanagar, Bangalore

FSSAI Registration Central License

Food business operators such as the Importers, 100% Export Oriented Units, large manufacturers, operators in the Central Government agencies, airports, seaports etc are however required to obtain a Central Food License. The Central license is issued by the Central Government. Furthermore, FBOs have to obtain the Central License for their head office, and if they have operations in more than 1 state. It is thus mostly for the units who are having an annual turnover which is greater than 20 crores.

Food Safety and Standards Authority of India is established to exercise the powers granted to, and to perform the functions assigned to, it under the Food Safety and Standards Act. It is called as the Food Authority. The Food Authority is a body corporate, having perpetual succession and a seal with power to acquire, hold and dispose of property, both movable and immovable, and to contract and shall, by the said name, sue or be sued. The Head office of FSSAI is located at Delhi and other regional offices are located in other states. We can consult in your Responsibilities, Liability, Food recall procedures with our years of experience. Register with us for FSSAI food license.

FSSAI, however, issues three different types of food licenses which are Central License, State License, Basic Registration

Based on Annual Turnover a FBO has to either apply for simple registration in FORM A with FSSAI or apply for a License given by FSSAI in FORM B.

Annual Turnover Below 12 Lakhs required Registration FORM A

Annual Turnover 12 Lakhs to 20 Crores required State License FORM B

Annual Turnover Above 20 Crores required Central License

Why you should get FSSAI License?

There is a high degree of consumer confidence in safety & quality of food.
It helps to promote innovation in foods products.
It helps in removal of multiple regulations.
It facilitates trade without compromising consumer safety & a larger share.

What is FSSAI all about?

Decentralization of licensing for food products.
Simple and easy issue of license with time frame of 1 month.
There is no license for small FBO's, only registration is mandatory
This act assures safety of consumer and ensures full compensation to victim in case of injury or death.

Important Instructions

Food Business Operator must be registered.
If Food Business Operator is operating in more than 1 state, one additional Central License for Head Office is necessary.
Importers are allowed to take one single central license at their Import Export Code address.
One presumption with various types of businesses is eligible for one registration only.
Food Business Operator must obey the rules and conditions of registration.

Basic info about componay

Eligibility of FSSAI Central License

Eligible Food Business Operators like importers, 100% EoUs, manufacturers, operators in Central Govt. agencies, airports, seaports, etc. need to take a License from the Central Authority.

The eligibility criteria for FSSAI CENTRAL LICENSE has been listed below.

FBOs like restaurants, retailers, distributors, and suppliers with an annual turnover of more than Rs. 20 crore.
Importer, Exporter
Water Plant Business
If your same business name operating more than one state.
Basic info about Fssai Types

Types of Fssai / Food License

There are three registration to get FSSAI license since they differ on the basis of the scale of operation of the food business that is carried out. We will discuss the Detailed information of the fssai licenses basic, state and central.

Basic info about componay

How We Will Help with FSSAI Registration in Bangalore?

We can help your business obtaining FSSAI Registration / License. FSSAI Registration / License can be done through online with us throughout the Bangalore

Our mission is to make available supreme quality FSSAI Services to everyone in Bangalore at reasonable price.

Consultation and Documentation

Fill up a simple FSSAI Registration form on Our Website and Consult with our expert and submit documents online through mail or whatsapp.

Application Filing and Approval

We will file FSSAI application with the government authorities, resolve queries and get your fssai license approved from the government.

Fssai / Food License Delivery

Digital and hard copy of your fssai license will be delivered to the address you provided Within 5 days.

Most flexible pricing

Fssai Pricing Details

We offer you very reasonable price for Fssai Registration in Bangalore

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Contact Us

Fssai Consultants in Bangalore

No. 84/A, 22nd Cross Rd, 2nd Block, Rajajinagar, Bangalore - 560010


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